In an era of upheaval, humanity is forced to respond with weapons known as “Sacred Relics” that embody their very souls to combat monsters emerging from another world. Asahi Hinata, a young man with a promising future as the son of a hero, is about to attend the entrance ceremony at the National Valkyrie Academy. However, the Sacred Relic he receives is a hero suit that looks like it came straight out of a low-budget children’s hero show…Living day by day as an outcast at the academy, Hinata perseveres despite being disregarded by those around him. But one day, Hinata’s courage and resolve awaken a unique power within his hero suit…
Followed by 1 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Released 2024
Author HOSHITSUKI Koneko
Artist INORI Nagi, KURAHASHI Yuuhito, Mizuki, Park Sung Young, SORAJIMA, Yukishige
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